
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our DON BOSCO ICSE , Chitradurga website

You will find answers to many of the initial questions you may have about our school, our academic program, and student life as you make your way through the website and explore what we have to offer.

As the school’s principal, I consider it an honor and a joy to work at a place of learning where all participants are students and where there is always something new to learn and explore. We see ourselves as a community of learners, where staff members, parents, and instructors are all lifelong learners.

Maintaining high standards and putting student accomplishment first are core values that I believe in. I also believe in employing collaborative tactics to better understand and improve the educational process.

Our staff effectively uses two different approaches, Love and Logic, to create a good learning atmosphere for each and every one of our children. Logic and love sometimes appear to be diametrically opposed forces. Love promotes relationships of trust in which students feel valued, respected, and loved by their teachers; on the other hand, logic helps children grow in their capacity for self-control, self-reliance, moral character development, and excellent decision-making. The foundation of your child’s education is a strong collaboration between family and school.

We are aware that your child will gain more from the relationship the stronger it is. Although we are confident that some of your questions will be answered by the material on this page, we also recognize that learning occurs in a social setting, so for a more thorough understanding, we invite you to chat with us in person. I’m excited to collaborate with you to build a school where parents are always welcome, students are learning meaningfully, and staff members are respected and acknowledged for their hard work.


Fr. Vijay Martin (SBD)